Prostrata Juniper 3

Scientific name: Juniperus Chinensis Var. Sargentii

Origin: China

Distinguishing feature: Prostrate in growing habits; trunk turns and twists to prove design opportunities. Perfect bonsai material without the need for extensive wiring.

Style: Informal upright

History: This tree was purchased in 1999 from the nursery of Mr. and Mr. Hanaka in Anaheim CA. They are founder members of the California Bonsai Society members along with John Naka. It was about a 35 year old tree at the time in a nursery growing pot. She meticulously wired the tree to position the branches.

Many of the lower branches died back due to my inexperience and neglect. I started reworking it in 2025. The branches are recovering after severe cutback to shape, and is filling out nicely.

Trunk with twists and turns

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