California Juniper

Scientific name: Juniperus Californica

Origin: California, USA

Distinguishing feature: These are highly desirable bonsai materials because these trees survived a harsh desertlike environment to become naturally gnarly with ample dead wood, jin and shari.

The growth rate is typically a small fraction of a mm per year, and a small fraction of the collected tree survives because tap root is deep, and there are very few fibrous roots to enable survival. 

This tree is likely collected in high elevation; trees collected in lower elections have straight growth and less contortion and are thus less desirable. 

Style: Semi-cascade

History: The thickest portion (measured diagonally) is 9”, and is therefore estimated to be about 450 years old. 

It was bought in 2012 from the person who collected the tree. It was in poor condition with only one small branch surviving. I reoriented and use the small branch to become the apex.

Thickest portion (measured diagonally) is 9” thus estimated to be about 450 years old

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